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SWIFT Unveils Groundbreaking Strategy for Blockchain Interoperability

SWIFT logo with interconnected blockchain graphics
SWIFT’s New Frontier

SWIFT, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, has recently released compelling data on blockchain interoperability. The organization aims to elevate global financial communities through innovative blockchain solutions.

A Pioneering Approach to Interoperability

SWIFT has developed a novel method to enhance blockchain interoperability. This approach allows multiple blockchains to function seamlessly through a single access point. The report, available online, delves into the potential of tokenization and outlines a path for transferring tokenized value across various blockchains.

Collaboration with Industry Giants

In its research, SWIFT collaborated with key market players like Chainlink, ANZ, BNP Paribas, and others. Through these partnerships, SWIFT identified a single point of access for multiple networks, significantly reducing operational challenges and investment requirements.

Leveraging Chainlink’s CCIP

Utilizing Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP), SWIFT has found a way to allow multiple blockchains to converge without affecting the unique attributes of each tokenized asset. If implemented correctly, this could simplify blockchain interconnections, reduce costs, and enable the tokenized market to scale globally.

Future Expansion Plans

SWIFT has ambitious plans for the future. These experiments are part of a broader strategy to ensure secure, global interoperability as new technologies emerge. The focus extends to interconnecting Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and other digital assets with existing payment systems.

SWIFT’s Track Record and CBDC Experiments

SWIFT is no stranger to innovation. The firm has a history of conducting experiments to revolutionize the financial sector. Recently, in collaboration with Capgemini, SWIFT achieved CBDC-to-CBDC transactions through different DLT networks based on Quorum and Corda technologies.

Conclusion: A Milestone in Financial Technology

SWIFT’s efforts mark a significant milestone in financial technology. By simplifying interconnected cross-border payments, the organization is setting the stage for a more inclusive and efficient global financial ecosystem.


SWIFT’s innovative approach to blockchain interoperability is a game-changer for the financial industry. It not only simplifies the complexities of cross-chain transactions but also paves the way for a more interconnected financial world.


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