The Aquarium

FinTech and Web3 Discussions

Deep-dive into the world of Web3 and FinTech!

The Aquarium offers in-depth analyses and expert insights on the latest developments in Web3 and FinTech.


In addition to discussing broad market trends, we delve into the underlying technology and potential use cases for different cryptocurrencies.


Whether you’re looking to stay informed on the latest news or gain a deeper understanding of Web3, tune in Wednesdays at 4PM UTC.

Good afternoon, WCT community...

Meet Our Host

Noah brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, making the Aquarium accessible to both seasoned and amateur investors and those curious to learn about the space.

Select Notable Guests

Joe Reiben


Kyle Chassé






Thierry Ruiz


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What is the Aquarium?

What is the Aquarium?

What is the Aquarium?

What is the Aquarium?