AMA Recap – All Stars Digital x WhaleCoinTalk

AMA Review

AMA Recap – All Stars Digital x WhaleCoinTalk

All Stars Digital is developing a platform for sports betting enthusiasts aimed at changing the way this industry has been operating till yet. Introducing the concept of blockchain to sports betting the platform addresses the major concerns of this industry i.e transparency and creating a trust-free ecosystem where no one can be cheated. 

The platform is being developed by a highly experienced team with one of the co-founder being an Ex-CTO of a cyber-security firm. In order to ensure a quality experience for its users, the platform will have various in-game tools to track performance of other players, users will be able to trade all these tools and various assets in the game, making it further more interesting.

Fundamentally, every transaction happening on the platform would happen in their native token, however the team plans to integrate smooth on/off ramping solutions. In an attempt to promote the concept of transparency and immutability of data the platform uses an independent 3rd party data provider for the operations which is totally protected on-chain.

Another interesting feature is the concept of an order book where the value of the index points will be quantified for each player. This will help rank all players on the platform and have them on the platform – it is a new kind of instrument for people to trade. The platform’s algorithm has instruments to prevent people from losing connection or any technical issues so that the users can enjoy a fair betting experience.

As mentioned earlier that every transaction would be taking place in the native token which would help create an evergreen buy pressure for the token benefiting the users in the longer run. The team will soon announce the launch of a fantasy league element to its platform with the mechanics based on NFT implications. Currently, the platform is under development, stay tuned with the project’s socials so that you don’t miss out on any updates for them.

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