AMA Recap – FanVerse x WhaleCOinTalk

AMA Review

AMA Recap – FanVerse x WhaleCOinTalk

FanVerse is a modern day multi-utility project which helps influencers monetize their personal brand. The AMA started with a brief introduction of the team and their core values followed by their vision behind the project. The team discussed various aspects of project development including marketing and community building strategies.


FanVerse has been backed by a strong community of supporters and influencers ever since their token launch in February. Currently, the team is working on the launch of NFT utilities which has been in the works for the past six months and is ready to serve the needs of creators and users.


Getting into further details the NFT mechanics can be described as follows. The NFT creation process starts when the user decides to mint an NFT from a creator. NFTs are minted based on the social media account chosen by the user for the purpose, the minted NFT is then linked to a DeFi wallet. The NFTs have been categorized on various parameters to help attain influencer specific needs like monetization of brand and strengthening of brand.


In order to create a seamless experience and to attract a vast user base, the marketplace will be designed in a way to have the lowest fee in the market. Currently, there is 0 buy tax and 10% sell tax on transactions which would soon be reduced to zero. The team is currently in talks with various ambassadors for launch integration and will push out massive marketing campaigns near the launch.


Questions From the Community

FanVerse received a great response from our community because of the unique idea behind the project. Some of the major queries from our community answered by the team can be summarized as:

  •  Verification and Regulations: When asked about their plans to deal with the regulations and verification processes in various countries, the team assured the community that everything will be done under a legal framework and they are in talks with various authorities to deal with it.


  • FeedBack and Platform Mechanics: From the day one of development community ideas have been implemented in the platform mechanics. The aim is to create a platform that people can relate to, and would love to use; the team will always ensure that the feedback is worked upon.


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