AMA Recap – Vrynt x WhaleCoinTalk

AMA Review

Vrynt is a high-utility project by a highly-influential team, the CEO Scot Brown has been in the entertainment business for a long time and got into crypto via investing and being the CEO of Voracity. One of the coolest things about Vrynt is that they are launching an NFT collection where fans can build their own NFTs with an easy to use tool.

Vrynt is a community-based engagement platform where people can launch their own NFTs. They enable fans to purchase desired NFTs and then customize it as much as they want. Users get to lean into their creativity and also interact with the artist in an interactive way.

They have a unique pricing model where the price per pack increments as more components get sold – this is customizable on a case-by-case basis. Each pack contains multiple components and they all have different rarities, different clothes/accessories/elements and such.

All of the tools will be focused towards influencers to help them connect better with their audience. Anyone who is onboarding the platform will get a non-custodial wallet even if they sign in with e-mail. (this will help in building a stronger defi community)

Staking on their platform comes with benefits – people holding token in the pools will get extra NFTs, components, and much more. They are also launching a huge suite of staking incentives which is designed for platform improvements.

For more details and regular updates, you can tune in to their socials. The links are as follows:




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