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Cardano’s Charles Hoskinson Proposes Layer-2 Collaboration with Kraken

Charles Hoskinson discussing with Kraken team about Layer-2 solutions

Charles Hoskinson, the visionary founder of Cardano (ADA), has publicly offered his expertise to assist the renowned cryptocurrency exchange Kraken in developing their layer-2 network. This announcement, made through a social media post on November 12, has sparked interest in the crypto community about the potential of this collaboration.

Understanding Layer-2 Networks

Layer-2 networks are critical for enhancing blockchain scalability and speed. They operate on top of layer-1 blockchains, like Cardano, to provide faster and cheaper transactions. Recently, these networks have gained popularity as they address some of the inherent limitations of layer-1 blockchains.

Hoskinson’s Proposition

While details of how Cardano could specifically aid Kraken’s layer-2 solution are yet to be disclosed, the proposition is intriguing. Conrad, a Cardano-based Blade pool operator, highlighted the security and community benefits that Kraken could leverage by partnering with Cardano. He envisioned Kraken benefiting from Cardano’s established security and its robust, supportive community.


Cardano boasts a vibrant blockchain ecosystem, including the recently launched Hydra layer-2 solution. This development demonstrates Cardano’s commitment to innovation and its capability to support advanced blockchain solutions.

Kraken’s Layer-2 Ambitions

Speculation about Kraken’s plans to develop a layer-2 network has been circulating, with discussions about potential collaborations with other crypto firms like Polygon or Matter Labs. However, Kraken has remained noncommittal, stating its continuous pursuit of new industry solutions and opportunities.


Adding to this development is Cardano’s recent introduction of Ledger Sync, a Java-based data provisioning tool. This tool grants developers access to Cardano’s blockchain data, showcasing Cardano’s dedication to enhancing its developer ecosystem and addressing blockchain data retrieval challenges.

The Technicalities of Ledger Sync

Ledger Sync is designed to offer complete data access similar to Cardano’s DB Sync but in a more developer-friendly Java language. Its open-source nature under the Apache 2.0 license caters to both commercial and non-commercial applications, increasing accessibility and legal certainty for developers and companies.


Cardano, like other blockchains, faces challenges in efficiently retrieving data due to its linked list storage format. Ledger Sync addresses these issues by facilitating easier access to transactions and wallet balances, a significant step forward in blockchain data management.

Ledger Sync: Addressing Business Needs

Beyond technical requirements, businesses need reliable data provisioning services. Ledger Sync meets these demands with its design suitable for distributed architectures and high availability setups. Its use in the Foundation’s new explorer as the underlying data pipeline is a testament to its efficacy.


Cardano’s commitment to Ledger Sync includes ongoing development and maintenance, with an eye towards fostering greater enterprise adoption. This commitment emphasizes Cardano’s dedication to providing robust and reliable blockchain solutions for diverse business models.

The Potential Cardano-Kraken Collaboration

While Kraken explores options for its layer-2 network, including potential collaboration with Polygon and others, the proposition from Hoskinson offers an exciting possibility. Cardano’s Hydra layer-2 solution claims to process up to 1 million transactions per second (TPS), a significant capability that could benefit Kraken’s project.


Cardano has recently shown impressive growth in network activity, with active addresses and transaction volumes increasing significantly. This heightened activity could make Cardano an attractive option for Kraken’s layer-2 development, despite the competition from other blockchain projects.

Awaiting Kraken’s Decision

In conclusion, while Hoskinson’s offer positions Cardano as a potential partner for Kraken’s layer-2 venture, the final decision rests with Kraken. The choice will hinge on various factors, including transaction speed, network activity, and overall blockchain capabilities. The crypto community eagerly awaits Kraken’s decision, which could mark a significant milestone in the evolution of layer-2 blockchain technologies.


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