CaviarNine: Revolutionizing DeFi with Web3 and Radix Platform

AMA Review

CaviarNine is a revolutionary fintech company that is making waves in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). With a clear vision for the future, CaviarNine aims to provide web3 users with advanced and user-friendly DeFi trading products built on the Radix platform. The company leverages its team’s extensive experience in traditional finance to create modern, professional, secure crypto products that comply with regulatory requirements.


Headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, CaviarNine boasts a diverse team across several countries, including Singapore, Canada, and Australia. This diverse team brings together expertise from various backgrounds and industries. Co-founders Oliver Scott-Simons and Chris Colman have an impressive history in the finance sector, particularly in FX derivatives trading at top-tier investment banks. Their experiences in traditional finance and a solid commitment to innovation have propelled CaviarNine forward as a significant player in the DeFi space.


The founders’ paths crossed in 2005, and after years of working in top-tier financial institutions, they realized they had made a formidable team. United by their passion for finance and technology, Oliver and Chris embarked on their DeFi journey. They firmly believe that DeFi is the natural next step for finance and that it has the potential to democratize financial products that are often inaccessible to the masses. With CaviarNine, they aim to unlock the full potential of DeFi and provide users with seamless access to professional-grade innovative DeFi products.


At CaviarNine, the team is focused on developing cutting-edge DeFi products that utilize the unique features of the Radix ecosystem. To achieve this, they have introduced several tokens that are associated with different DeFi products and serve as utility and DAO tokens. The FLOOP and CAVIAR tokens are integral to the company’s various DeFi offerings, including aggregation, LSU pools, limit orders, shape liquidity, index pools, perpetual XRD, and future derivative and structure products.


To facilitate the transition to the new Babylon upgrade and the start of dApps on Radix, CaviarNine has implemented a bridge for the FLOOP and CAVIAR tokens. This bridge allows holders of legacy tokens to convert them to the Babylon versions that power the company’s products. The Babylon versions have two key differences – they are burnable and can have updated metadata. However, holders are not obligated to bridge their tokens and can choose to keep the legacy tokens as collector items.


One of the notable features of CaviarNine’s platform is the Instant Unstake function, which allows users to receive XRD instantly by sending LSU. This process involves adding liquidity to the LSU pool and selling the LSU-LP token in the LSU-LP/XRD shape liquidity pool. While there may be concerns about running out of XRD in the liquidity pool, the team has implemented a supply and demand mechanism that incentivizes arbitrage and yield generation for LSU-LP/XRD LP providers.


The Aggregator is at the heart of CaviarNine’s trading platform, which effortlessly finds the best price across all liquidity sources on Radix. This feature ensures that users can access optimal prices for their trades, further enhancing the user experience.


With their innovative approach, diverse team, and commitment to revolutionizing DeFi, CaviarNine is poised to become a significant player in decentralized finance. By providing seamless access to professional-grade DeFi products and unlocking the full potential of DeFi, CaviarNine aims to empower users and reshape the future of finance.

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