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FTX Pursues Legal Action Against Bankman-Fried’s Parents Over Alleged Misuse of Funds

FTX logo with a gavel, representing the lawsuit against Sam Bankman-Fried's parents.

FTX, the renowned cryptocurrency company, is now taking legal action against the parents of its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried. The lawsuit alleges Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, both Stanford Law School professors, wrongfully benefited from the company’s funds.

Unraveling the Alleged Gifts

According to the lawsuit, the company, currently headed by CEO John Jay Ray III—a specialist in post-bankruptcy corporate recovery—claims the couple received substantial gifts and donations using the company’s resources. Specifically, they reportedly accepted a $10m cash gift and a plush $16.4m Bahamian residence from FTX funds. This, at a time when FTX teetered on the edge of financial instability.

Questionable Donations

Further compounding matters, the duo purportedly pushed for significant company funds to sponsor political and charitable causes. Among the beneficiaries? Stanford University and ‘Mind the Gap’, a left-leaning super PAC co-established by Fried.

Diving Deeper into the Allegations

FTX’s lawsuit paints a picture of the couple exploiting their privileged access to the company’s finances. It states, “As Bankman-Fried’s parents, Bankman and Fried leveraged their positions within FTX, securing millions for personal gains.” The lawsuit further claims that FTX, despite its public image, operated much like a ‘family business’.

Bankman’s Role Under the Microscope

Bankman, in particular, faces scrutiny for his alleged efforts to conceal FTX’s financial discrepancies and mismanagement. The company suggests that his portrayal as “the adult in the room” gave him a unique vantage point to guide younger, less-experienced company officials responsible for billions in assets.

FTX’s Previous Legal Endeavors and Current Focus

Sam Bankman-Fried is no stranger to legal troubles, facing seven federal charges, including fraud and money laundering allegations. After a stint under house arrest, he now awaits his trial from a Brooklyn prison cell. This lawsuit against his parents marks another chapter in FTX’s ongoing legal saga, which gained traction when the crypto exchange declared bankruptcy last year.

The Countdown to the Big Trial

With Sam Bankman-Fried’s trial on the horizon—set for October 3—the company’s legal pursuits seem to be ramping up. Pulling his parents into the fray, FTX accuses the couple of misusing the company’s funds, leveraging their influence, and potentially being aware of FTX’s financial predicament.

A Glimpse into the Parents’ Involvement

Both parents, given their legal backgrounds, are believed to have been deeply intertwined with FTX’s operations. Allan Joseph Bankman, an early investor in Alameda (FTX Group’s sister company), was reportedly very active in the business. Barbara Fried, similarly, is described as having been deeply involved, positioning herself as a non-criminal “partner in crime” to her son.


As the FTX legal drama continues to unfold, all eyes will be on the upcoming trial, poised to be one of the most high-profile crypto fraud cases to date. With both sides gearing up for a legal showdown, the crypto community awaits further revelations.


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