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Unveiling Worldcoin: OpenAI’s Sam Altman’s Revolutionary Eyeball-Scanning Cryptocurrency

OpenAI's Sam Altman's Revolutionary Eyeball-Scanning Cryptocurrency

Worldcoin, a groundbreaking cryptocurrency and digital ID project, has been launched by OpenAI’s chief, Sam Altman. This unique venture aims to authenticate users’ identities by scanning their eyes, potentially addressing the challenges posed by recent AI advancements that blur the line between human and algorithm-generated content.

The Core of Worldcoin 

At the heart of the Worldcoin project lies an eye-scanning “orb”. This device, which must be used in person, assigns users a unique digital identity, ensuring they are genuine humans and not bots.

Worldcoin’s Cryptocurrency and App 

Once a user’s identity has been verified, they can use the Worldcoin cryptocurrency. An accompanying app allows users to make payments, purchases, and transfers with Worldcoin, as well as other digital assets.

Worldcoin’s Expansion

After amassing over 2 million users during its beta phase, Worldcoin announced plans to expand its eyeball-scanning operations to 35 cities across 20 countries. The Worldcoin cryptocurrency token has been issued to eligible beta participants and is now tradable.

The Vision of Worldcoin’s Founders

Alex Blania, who co-founded Worldcoin with Altman, stated that proving a person’s realness is no longer a debatable topic in the AI age. Worldcoin aims to provide a “privacy-first, decentralized, and maximally inclusive” solution to this issue.

The Future of Worldcoin 

Altman envisions signing up 2 billion users to Worldcoin now that the platform has officially launched. The company’s ability to scale, especially considering the need for in-person appointments, remains to be seen.


Worldcoin represents a bold step into the future of digital identity and cryptocurrency. As Altman puts it, projects like Worldcoin “feel especially important in the AI era”. Whether it succeeds or not, ventures like this drive progress forward.

For more information on cryptocurrencies, visit our news section. To learn more about Worldcoin, check out their official website.


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