AMA Recap – FoodFi x WhaleCoinTalk

AMA Review

AMA Recap – FoodFi x WhaleCoinTalk

FoodFi is an innovative concept that is doing something very unique and has huge potential in the coming time. The core team has highly experienced people from the restaurant business and agronomical engineering industry. The mission statement is to make nutrition tracking accessible for everyone in web3.

As the name suggests, the central idea is to create a calorie tracking system in the app that rewards you for every successfully tracked meal. The app is highly customizable and adaptive to users’ preferences helping everyone get easy access to nutritional tracking in web3. One of the major USPs of the platform is its Eat-out-to-Earn feature, where you get incentivized to go to different restaurants and eat there.

For widespread adoption and to help the ecosystem sustain, the platform plans to adopt NFT implications to boost earnings for the users. There would be different NFTs for various purposes including types of equipment to boost earnings and meal passes. The team plans to abide by strict nutritional standards and therefore uses EFSA and FAO for the databases.

Currently, the plans are to aim at widespread adoption through various organic and paid marketing campaigns. But majorly they plan to onboard various influencers from the health and nutrition niche to help spread awareness about their platform. 

The team has recently onboarded a tokenomics expert to help make the ecosystem sustainable in the longer run. Also, they plan to implement token staking mechanisms to reward the HODLers and to keep the supply-demand ratio in check.

Some Interesting Questions From the Community

Would the Eat-Out-to-Earn feature promote an unhealthy diet: At the moment the platform is not offering any kind of unhealthy diet, and every restaurant that is onboarded in this vertical is filtered using a strict vetting process that keeps nutritional balance in check.

More about customization and tracking: You can simply input your height & weight, and your targets to customize the app according to your needs.

For more details and regular updates, you can tune in to their socials. The links are as follows:





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