AMA Recap – SquidWorld x WhaleCoinTalk

AMA Review

AMA Recap – SquidWorld x WhaleCoinTalk

SquidWorld is a revolutionary project that aims to develop a metaverse based on the popular show “Squid Games”. The project is being developed and marketed by a highly experienced team who have had a successful career in IT & Business systems and have led multiple successful projects in the past.

Making things better! Some of the core team members have previously been involved in other projects based around a similar concept and they are finally here to implement their learnings to make a better ecosystem. To implement things in a better way, the team is outsourcing some utilities like the P2E games, so that the overall ecosystem can provide a cutting-edge experience to its users.

Enough measures have been taken to make the overall ecosystem sustainable in the longer run – the ecosystem will consist of a unique DApp which would provide LP farming utilities for SQW token holders. Also, the DApp would contain various mini-games where the users can participate and earn rewards.

To keep things interesting, the team has introduced a lottery concept within the DApp – every time a user plays the game a small percentage of FEE is directed towards the jackpot prize pool which is later used for lotteries. The pool size will grow to 3% of the total supply for one giant payout to the winner, and this cycle will keep on repeating.

Broadly, the plan is to create a metaverse based on the concept of the popular show “Squid Games”. Participants will need SquidWorld Tokens to participate in the ecosystem and for performing various activities. 

Currently, the team is working aggressively on building sustainable marketing strategies for the platform to help it build a widespread user base. Followed by it, the team is soon to roll out some of its first influencer marketing campaigns to create awareness amongst users.

For more details and regular updates, you can tune in to their socials. The links are as follows:






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