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DuckDuckGo Launches Private Portal to Top AI Chatbots

Illustration of DuckDuckGo's private portal to AI chatbots, showing DuckDuckGo logo with privacy and anonymity elements, and representations of AI chatbots

DuckDuckGo, renowned for its privacy-focused search engine and web browser, has announced a new service allowing users to interact with popular AI chatbots privately and anonymously. The service, called DuckDuckGo AI Chat and accessible at, is now globally available.

Privacy-First AI Interaction ensures that interactions are private and anonymous. “Neither DuckDuckGo nor the chatbot providers can use the users’ data to train their models,” the company explains. Users do not need to set up accounts or provide personal information to start interacting with the chatbots. DuckDuckGo strips away metadata, ensuring that queries appear to originate from the company rather than individual users.


The commercial AI chatbot providers, including OpenAI and Anthropic, do keep access logs. However, DuckDuckGo has agreements in place to ensure that any saved chats are deleted by the providers within 30 days and that none of the chats can be used to train or improve the models. This approach simplifies privacy management compared to changing settings for each service.

Supported AI Models features a clean user interface and supports two commercial, closed-source models and two open-source models:

  • Closed-source models: OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo and Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku.
  • Open-source models: Meta’s Llama-3 70Bn and Mistral AI’s Mixture of Expert model Mixtral 8x7b.

DuckDuckGo plans to add more models in the future, expanding the range of options available to users.

Comparing and Venice AI

DuckDuckGo’s AI Chat service joins the recent launch of Venice AI by Crypto founder Erik Voorhees. While Venice AI features uncensored AI chatbots and image generators, DuckDuckGo’s offerings, such as GPT-3.5 Turbo and Claude 3 Haiku, are superior in text generation. DuckDuckGo also provides additional functionalities like DuckAssist, an integrated assistant in its browser.

Future Developments and Integration

DuckDuckGo’s AI service is free to use within a daily limit, with the company considering a paid tier to reduce or eliminate these limits. This service complements its search engine, offering powerful tools to help users explore new topics and find quick, direct answers.


“We view AI Chat and search as two different but powerful tools to help you find what you’re looking for – especially when you’re exploring a new topic,” the company stated. “If you start with Search, you may want to switch to AI Chat for follow-up queries to help make sense of what you’ve read, or for quick, direct answers to new questions that weren’t covered in the web pages you saw.”


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